Replacing Main Water Shut Off Valve

Of all the elements of your home’s plumbing system, the main water shut off valve is one of the most important. The water shut off valve acts as a control for your entire plumbing system, allowing you to shut off the water supply in cases of emergency such as a...

The Cost of a Water Treatment System

Many households are concerned about chemicals in tap water, frustrated with difficult to remove hard mineral deposits, or simply tired of buying expensive bottled water. If this applies to you then investing in a home water treatment system can be an incredibly smart...

How to Save Energy in the Winter

Energy is required to power and operate our homes day in and day out. Water and heat are two resources that we depend on to live comfortably. It’s important to do your part and make changes for energy conservation in the home. Luckily, as plumbing experts we have...

5 Fall Plumbing Maintenance & Winterizing Tips

It happened just like that, summer is over, the air is feeling cooler, days are getting shorter and leaves are slowing starting to fall. You may even find yourself using an extra blanket at night time and sending the kids to the bus in jackets. Fall is here! It’s...

How to Ensure Proper Exterior Drainage

Now that the neighborhood pool is closed, buses are rolling in and the air is feeling slightly more crisp you might be ready for fall, but is your house? Did you know the shift from summer to fall is a big transition for your home’s drainage system? Responsible for...

3 Things to Consider When Installing a Gas Line

Gas can be used for several different applications in your home including hot water heaters, stoves, ranges, and even some dryers. Many homeowners prefer gas as a heat source because it tends to be less expensive per unit, cleaner burning, more responsive to...
How Much Does It Cost To Install A New Gas Line?

How Much Does It Cost To Install A New Gas Line?

EGas can be used for several different applications in your home. Hot water heaters, stoves, ranges, and even some dryers are a few appliances that could use gas. Home heating systems and fireplaces may also be fueled by gas. Many homeowners prefer gas over electric...

Why Is My Drain Gurgling?

Don’t ignore funny noises coming from your drain. Any time a gurgling noise is heard coming from a kitchen or bathroom drain it needs to be investigated. Many people think if water is draining properly, then the drain noise is probably no big deal, but the truth is it...

Retrieving Jewelry Lost Down the Drain

One of your valuables slips down the sink drain with the blink of an eye… Suddenly, you’re faced with a major plumbing emergency. The cherished engagement ring you removed to scrub the dishes, the diamond stud you unknowingly brushed out of your earlobe or that...

Water Heater Trouble? Signs it’s Time to Replace

When you think of your plumbing system and water supply, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Many would say the hot water heater. This residential plumbing powerhouse is the 2nd highest energy consuming appliance in the home, and accounts for nearly 25% of your...

How to Solve Low Water Pressure Problems

Low water pressure can be a problem that makes the most routine tasks difficult.  Ever shower, wash dishes or try to fill a glass with water and the fixture only manages to trickle?  If you’ve battled with low water pressure, you understand the inconvenience...

Concealing Ugly Plumbing Problems

Plumbing is an integral part of your home, but it’s certainly not the most attractive.  Things like exposed pipes, drains and bulky tanks can quickly turn what would otherwise be a relaxing bathroom or cozy living space into an eyesore.  Although there’s not...

Summer Water Conservation Tips

When summer rolls around, everyone gets excited about the warm weather, outdoor activities, vacation, and other summertime fun. With that boost in activity comes an increased need for your everyday resources–things as simple as food, electricity, and water! If you’re...

Five Water Heater Options For 2016

Today’s world is all about options. No matter what you’re buying or using, you have to weigh the different options that are available and the price tags associated with them. That holds true for water heaters as well. Your specific needs should determine the exact...
How To Test For Toilet Leaks

How To Test For Toilet Leaks

Running toilets are among the most common plumbing complaints we about hear from our Charlottesville customers and one of the leading causes of high water bills. A small leak can waste 30 gallons of water per day, which adds up quickly. Small leaks are also harder to...

Eliminate Annoying Clogged Drains For Good

There’s nothing worse than a clogged drain filled with hair. Sometimes it seems like no matter how much gunky hair you pull from the drain, it just won’t unclog! But, dealing with the pooling water it causes can be just as irritating. The truth is eliminating most...
The Easiest Thing Most Homeowners Get Wrong

The Easiest Thing Most Homeowners Get Wrong

Let’s talk about winterizing – possibly one of the most misunderstood and poorly done activities of home ownership. And yet, it’s one of the least expensive things you can do for your home or office that will yield the biggest pay-off in both lower energy bills and...

Basement Flooded By Clogged Drain

In a scenario all too familiar for people with basements, after a period of heavy rain you begin to get water in your basement. Your first step is to identify the source of the water. In many cases, there is an exterior drain that is obstructed and is causing water to...