5 Simple Ways To Conserve Water At Home

5 Simple Ways To Conserve Water At Home

The average family in America uses over 300 gallons of water per day. That’s over 100,000 gallons of water each year! But, most people can conserve water at home by making just a few small changes around the house. Here are a few ways that you can start using less...

Charlottesville Plumbing Tips: Sewer Line Inspection

Do you have a tub, sink or toilet that is perpetually clogged? Have you tried plunging and even a drain snake, yet the drain remains blocked? It is likely time to call a plumber to handle unclogging the toilet or other drain, because the clog could be in the sewer...

Bathroom Modifications for Seniors

The statistics are scary…1 in 3 seniors over the age of 65 experience a fall each year and the National Institute on Aging (NIA) estimates that 80% of those falls happen in the bathroom. With slippery surfaces at every turn and a multitude of trip hazards,...
Luxury Bathroom Plumbing

Luxury Bathroom Plumbing

Planning a luxury bathroom can seem like a daunting task. Once you’ve started the process, getting the bathroom of your dreams can be confusing, especially considering that the fixtures are often the last to be installed, yet they are the first things that should be...

How To Fix Leaky Faucets

Nearly every home and business owner has dealt with a leaky faucet at one point or another. Faucets have rubber washers and plastic parts that deteriorate over time and often cause the drip, drip, drip that gets on your nerves. So what do you do about it? That...

How to Use a Water Meter to Check For Leaks

Plumbing leaks of all kinds contribute to significant water waste for many homes and businesses. In fact, studies have shown that leaks can cause a typical home can lose between 2,000 and 20,000 gallons of water per year. Some leaks are easy to spot, such as...

10 Tips to Caring for Your Pipes this Winter

Thanksgiving is over and the harsh winter weather is well on its way. If you’ve ever experienced a burst pipe, you know it’s a quick way to ruin your day. With the proper care and attention you can avoid the stresses of freezing pipes this winter. Below are ten tips...

What every homeowner should know about their pipes

Leaky and damaged pipes can lead to dangerous problems and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. The worst part is that many homeowner insurance policies don’t cover water damage or water pipe repair and replacement. The good news is that water pipe damage can...

5 False Plumbing Facts Everyone Thinks Are True

Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation about plumbing being passed around. Over the years we’ve seen it all, and too often we hear these five myths repeated like plumbing-gospel. We are here to set the record straight and debunk the plumbing myths that are...

What is an Automatic Water Shut-Off System?

Automatic water shut-off systems have water sensors on the floor that signal a control panel to shut off the main water supply and alert home owners to potential water damage. These sensors monitor water threats when you are away from your home and while your family...

Go Green and Save Money by Upgrading Appliances

Looking to cut down your monthly utility bills and help the environment at the same time?  Fortunately, saving money and helping the environment often go hand-in-hand.  If you still have appliances made in the 1990s or earlier, it is probably time to consider...

Converting Your Propane Grill to Gas

I know what you are thinking, what does a plumbing company know about natural gas lines?  Believe it or not, natural gas installation and repair is one of our specialties.  Not only can we handle gas hot water heater, gas stove, and gas furnace installations, but...

Sewer Drain Camera Inspection

When plumbing waste is not draining properly from your home or business, it can be a big headache. Sometimes it is as easy as unclogging a drain pipe from the toilet, tub or sink, but sometimes the problem is much further down in the sewer line. Since a typical sewer...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

From the entire team at Robinson’s Plumbing Service, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Emergency Plumber Our office is closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, however if you have a plumbing emergency, our plumbers are on call to help with...

Bathtub Replacements for Your Personal Retreat

Is 2014 the year of your dream bathroom? Bathtub replacements can be simple inserts that fit into the existing space, or may require some remodeling work to fit your new dream tub into the space. However you choose to upgrade your bath, contact Robinson’s Plumbing...

Don’t Be Fooled by “Flushable” Wipes

Read more about causes of sewer drain clogs and drain cleaning services Our plumbers see it frequently in the Richmond area. Flushable wipes clear the toilet after the flush so users think “great, they ARE flushable”. But those same wipes are often the source of drain...

Knowing Where You’re Main Water Shut Off Valve is Located

Ask yourself this question, “Do I know where my main shut off valve is located?” Robinson’s Plumbing Service always stresses to our clients (plus anyone in their household) the importance of knowing where your main shut off valve is located in your home. On May 17th...

A.O. Smith

A.O. Smith has been delivering the world’s hot water for over 70 years. An American company that operates globally and headquartered in Milwaukee, WI, A.O. Smith is known as an innovative and reliable company. From the A.O. Smith Website: A. O. Smith’s high efficiency...

ADA & Comfort Height Fixtures

Commercial establishments are required by the American Disabilities Act to follow specific guidelines on installing bathrooms that can be used by disabled persons. But what about the bathroom in your own home? Many of our customers find that using toilets and vanities...