It happened just like that, summer is over, the air is feeling cooler, days are getting shorter and leaves are slowing starting to fall. You may even find yourself using an extra blanket at night time and sending the kids to the bus in jackets. Fall is here!

It’s likely you aren’t giving much thought to your plumbing system especially during a calm and mild fall season. But, don’t be fooled. Even if things are going with the flow, now is the time to perform critical plumbing maintenance before Old Man Winter returns.


Why Winterize & Perform Fall Maintenance?

Although fall is a seasonal shift for your plumbing system, this doesn’t mean it can’t be pushed to its limit. Between more laundry, showers and running the sprinkler or irrigation system, your water usage probably spiked over the summer. Fall brings another set of changes for plumbing systems as you continue tending to the lawn, welcoming houseguests, spending more time in the kitchen, among other household plumbing demands.

Keep your home safe, comfortable and efficient this fall and winter with a few plumbing tips


Inspect Plumbing Fixtures

Your sinks, tubs, showers and toilets may work just fine, but we recommend a careful inspection to identify cracks, leaks, loose parts and drain clogs. Fixture checks can also reveal mineral build up or corrosive deposits that may inhibit water flow. Remember, leaks and drips start as a minor annoyance, but can quickly turn into a major plumbing repair once temperatures start to dip!

Related: How to find and fix plumbing leaks


Water Heater Maintenance

Colder temperatures mean that your water heater is going to see more use than any other time of year. Consider having your unit checked for optimal performance. Water heaters build up sediment and mineral deposits especially in locales with hard water. If you want to ensure enough hot water is available, contact Robinson’s Plumbing and we’ll make sure your water heater is in proper working condition.

Outdoor Upkeep

Last month we discussed the importance of keeping your exterior drainage system clear for whole house plumbing efficiency. This is also important for avoiding frozen pipes. We usually see freezing temperatures in December, but it can happen sooner. Keep gutters and downspouts free of leaves and other debris so that water has a clear passageway to drain away from your home.


Exterior Plumbing

Outdoor hoses and faucets are susceptible to freezing and bursting if not tended to before winter arrives. If you’re still watering your lawn, not to worry, make a note to shut down spigots, drain and store away hoses in a few weeks. If you have outdoor pipes, make sure to insulate them as part of your seasonal maintenance and home winterizing process.


Insulate Pipes

Uninsulated pipes in unheated areas of your home like garages, attics, unfinished basements or even pipes in bathrooms or laundry rooms that run along exterior walls, are at risk for freezing. These pipes must be winterized! Pipe insulation products are available in a variety of user-friendly materials including heating cables or polyurethane pipe wraps. These are safe, easy to use and will keep your plumbing, and your family, warm this winter.


Ensure your home is safe and warm—winterize your plumbing now!

All these plumbing maintenance and winterizing tips are easy to do, but when in doubt, you can count on the experts at Robinson’s Plumbing! Just contact us to schedule plumbing repair or service and we’ll make sure your home is ready for winter so you can sit back, relax and enjoy this beautiful time of year in Virginia!