Summer is a time to ditch the everyday grind to enjoy a few days, or weeks, out of the office. The sun is shining and the beaches, the amusement parks, and friends & family are calling. Whether you hit the road for a two-week beach retreat with extended family or you take the weekends to find your kids’ favorite pools and parks, you’ll probably spend much more time out of the house than the rest of the year.

With that time away, you can take extra measures before you leave to save some money while you’re gone, decrease the likelihood of any home maintenance emergencies, protect against potential theft, and more. Here are a few tips to help keep your home safe this Summer while you and your family are out enjoying time away.

Turn Your Water Off While You’re Away

It seems silly to turn your water off while you’re not home, right? Nobody is there to use it, so what’s the big deal?

Well, there are a couple reasons you should consider shutting off your water. For one, turning the water off decreases the likelihood that any maintenance issues will come up while you’re away. If a problem occurs with your plumbing while you’re away and the water is on then your house could get flooded with water and it will take longer for anyone to recognize that there’s even a problem. That means more personal items get ruined and repair costs increase.

But, with the water off there is less chance of an issue occurring and, if it does, the water won’t be running so you won’t have to worry about flooding issues.

Secondly, depending on how long you are gone or how many trips you take over the Summer, you could save a little bit of money.

You may not realize it, but many people have small leaks in and around the house. Those leaks can add up and shutting the water off while you’re away will minimize the money lost to them. It can also save you money if you have outdoor water fountains or you forget to turn timed sprinklers off–just make sure you’re okay with the lawn going unwatered for a few days.

Turn Back Your Water Heater Thermostat

Another easy way to save money is to turn back your water heater thermostat or even turn your water heater off at the electric panel box. Depending on the water heater you have, you could be using up energy while you’re away. An easy way to fix that is to either turn it down or shut it off while you’re away.

Ask an expert for advice on the best option for your specific water heater.

Fill Up Your Refrigerators & Freezers

If you’re leaving for an extended period of time, it makes sense to avoid buying a bunch of groceries right before you leave.

However, your refrigerator and freezer actually run more efficiently the more full they are. One option to help keep them running efficiently while you’re away is to find something to fill them up with! It can be jugs of water or really anything that won’t be damaged from being cooled or frozen.

Protect From Copper & Other Types Of Theft

If criminals notice you’ve been away from home for a couple days, they could use the opportunity to snatch metals, like copper pipes, and other items from on and around your home. Be sure that you’ve securely locked all of your home’s doors and windows to prevent anyone from getting inside.

Also, be sure that any valuable items that aren’t kept inside–from bicycles to antennas to AC unit parts–are locked up, fixed to the house or ground, or otherwise protected from being taken away.

To increase your home’s security while you’re away, you can:

  • Add security lights
  • Install a security system
  • Leave lights on inside so it appears someone’s home (you can even use timers that turn different lights on throughout the house so it appears used)
  • Tell the police that you’ll be gone
  • Ask a neighbor to check in every now and then

Have Fun This Summer & Know Your Home Is Safe

Summer is all about enjoying friends, family, and relaxing. Don’t let issues with your home interfere with your fun while you’re away. To get more information on protecting your home from water and electrical issues, or for maintenance, contact Robinson’s Plumbing today.